
Magix samplitude pro x suite tutorials
Magix samplitude pro x suite tutorials

magix samplitude pro x suite tutorials

The other quick way to get acquainted with Samplitude is to right-click anywhere and/or use the search bar. Make sure you join the users' forum as well. If there are any other learning resources that I might have not heard about, I would appreciate some links, although I googled this quite a bit, and not much seems to exist other than what I mentioned above. for Samplitude Pro X, or a good tutorial guide book, since the manual is not the best tool to enjoy learning Samplitude Pro X.

magix samplitude pro x suite tutorials

I wish there was an in-depth video tutorial series like the ones from Groove 3, Mac Pro Video. I have been watching some of the Kraznet, and Dolbar tutorial videos on Youtube, and some of the tutorial videos on the Magix site. I might have some questions as I move forward, so I might post some questions on this thread. I have a long way to go, and have not yet messed around with the object editing features. So far getting to know the interface/GUI, docking, the mixer, plug-ins, Virtual Instruments (Revolta 2 synth sound very warm, and nice), visualization options are pretty cool. I'm just beginning my Samplitude Pro X learning journey.

Magix samplitude pro x suite tutorials