square: Constrains the aspect ratio to be 1:1.original image: Retain the aspect ratio of the original image.freehand: Crop without any restrictions.A few special aspect ratios deserve explanation: Many common numerical ratios are pre-defined. The crop module controls are split into two sections as follows: 🔗crop settings aspect Set the aspect ratio of the crop, constraining the width:height ratio of the crop rectangle to the chosen aspect. Commit changes by giving focus to another module. Constrain movement to the horizontal/vertical axis by holding Ctrl/Shift, respectively while dragging. Move the crop rectangle by clicking and dragging inside the crop area. Resize the crop by dragging the border and corner handles. Whenever this module is in focus, the full uncropped image will be shown, overlaid with crop handles and optional guiding lines. For best results, you are advised to use the rotate and perspective module to perform rotation and perspective correction (if required), and then perform final creative cropping with this module. This module appears later in the pipeline than the deprecated crop and rotate module, meaning that the full image can remain available for source spots in the retouch module.